Thursday, April 23, 2015

Date Yourself Day and Record Store Day 2015

I don't fancy the negative connotations that has attached itself to the simple concept of doing things by yourself and for yourself. I think some days one should just go out on a date with oneself. Seriously, don't discredit your own company. Give yourself a little hug or treat every once in awhile, man. April 18th was Record Store Day and so I thought I'd visit my favourite - the only store I know so it wins by default really - record store, Teenage Head Records to partake in their festivities. 

Records/Vinyls for 10 ringgit a piece, their younger sister CDs also around to join the party for about 20-30 ringgit a piece, friendly owners, some cute guys, some good tunes, I had a good time!

Side note: I've realized that in me trying to plan posts and having goals set for this blog I'm just really holding myself back from posting anything. So, I've decided to let loose a little and just post whatever I feel like. I'm hoping this will be the first in more frequent updates, blogger boo.

Been listening to In Rainbows a lot nowadays in the car and I thought I'd drop one of my favourite tracks here!

Hope to post soon, Xx.