Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Static Aesthetic #1: "Cause if they see you with T, they'll think T needs some help"

    Static Aesthetic is a pretentiously - but you gotta admit very rhyme-ly - named column where I will post and talk about some videos that has inspired me of any genre of any medium with some choice screencaps. (At this rate I should have another column called Static Anesthetic where it'll be the complete opposite but jury's still out on that one) 

    And what better way to start this column of with a music video from this year's surprise contender (in the pseudo competition of my Itunes playlist) ; Tyler, The Creator! 

    So strange how years and months ago I told myself I would probably never be interested in Tyler's genre of music, let alone his own music. I'm eating those words happily now, don't get me wrong. I eat it joyously like how I would with a hot plate of sushi rolls and tempura prawns. Food analogy aside, Ty-ty is a prime example of that whole 'Don't Knock It Till You Try It' thing in my life.

F**king Young is the first song I've properly listened and really really enjoyed from Tyler and so it has a very special place in my little fleshy heart. 
  1.  It's got a jaunty tune that is reminiscent to me of neo-soul and somehow a vintage ice cream parlor to me...for some strange reason. 
  2.  The lyrics aren't exceptionally lewd or low-brow and in fact has an innocuous (and rather innocent! Really!) air about it yet it still has that dose of Tyler cheekiness. 
  3.  The music video has sunflowers and references Mad Max at the end (What's there not to love about it?) 
    Seriously though, I really dig the visuals in F**king Young music video. It's not entirely outlandish or innovative, but somehow in it's simplicity of bright and colourful sets it has managed to resonate with me and gets me all tingly and feeling just a little bit more cheerful and pumped up at the end of it! 

At any rate, I wanted this post to inject some much needed colour into this blog since the past posts have been a little on the sombre side and Tyler's doing an impressive job. Keep on shining, you beautiful thing.

Hope to post again soon, Xx.